

Is Vape more effective than traditional smoking cessation methods in quitting smoking?

Can disposable vapes factory help people stop smoking, and do they have any unwanted effects when used for this purpose?

What are electronic cigarettes?

High quality wholesale vape brands (e-cigarettes) are hand held devices that work by heating a liquid that usually contains nicotine and flavorings. Disposable vape manufacturers allow you to inhale nicotine in a vapor rather than smoke. Because they do not burn tobacco, rechargeable vape pen do not expose users to the same levels of toxins that we know can cause smoking-related diseases in people who use conventional cigarettes.

Using an cookies disposable vape pen vapes is known as 'vaping'.Many people use e-cigarettes to help them to stop smoking tobacco.

Why we did this Cochrane Review?

Stopping smoking lowers your risk of getting lung cancer and other diseases. Many people find it difficult to quit.We wanted to find out if using vape puff pen could help people to stop smoking,and if people using them for this purpose experienced any unwanted effects.

What did we do?

We searched for studies that looked at the use of vape pen to help people stop smoking.

We looked for randomized controlled trials,in which the treatments people received were decided at random. This type of study usually gives the most reliable evidence about the effects of a treatment. We also looked for studies in which everyone received an e-cigarette treatment.

We were interested in finding out:

We found 56 studies in 12,804 adults who smoked. The studies compared vape mini cup 6000 puffs with:

· nicotine replacement therapy, such as patches or gum;

· varenicline (a medicine to help people stop smoking);

· nicotine-free e-cigarettes;

· behavioral support, such as advice or counseling; or

· no support, for stopping smoking.

Most studies took place in the USA (24studies), the UK (9), and Italy (7).

What are the results of our review?

More people probably stop smoking for at least six months using nicotine e-cigarettes than using nicotine replacement therapy (3 studies, 1498 people), or nicotine-free e-cigarettes (4 studies,1057 people).

Nicotine vape 1000 puff may help more people to stop smoking than no support or behavioral support only (5 studies, 2561 people).

For every 100 people using nicotine cup disposable vapes to stop smoking, 10 or 11 might successfully stop, compared with only six of 100 people using nicotine-replacement therapy or nicotine-free-cigarettes, or four of 100 people having no support or behavioral support only.

Key messages

Nicotine e-cigarettes probably do help people to stop smoking for at least six months. They probably work better than nicotine replacement therapy and nicotine-free e-cigarettes.

They may work better than no support, or behavioral support alone, and they may not be associated with serious unwanted effects.

However, we need more, reliable evidence to be confident about the effects of e-cigarettes, particularly the effects of newer types of e-cigarettes that have better nicotine delivery.

Post time: Dec-25-2023